Metropolitan | Maponya Mall

Metropolitan empowers individuals and families to achieve their financial goals, offering a comprehensive suite of insurance products, savings plans, and investment solutions designed to meet your evolving needs right on your doorstep at Maponya Mall. Metropolitan's life insurance plans provide peace of mind, knowing your loved ones will be financially secure in the event of your passing. Various cover options, including accidental death and disability benefits, can be tailored to your specific needs. Protect yourself from unexpected medical expenses with Metropolitan's health insurance plans. From comprehensive cover to gap cover, Metropolitan ensures you have access to quality healthcare when you need it most. Investing for the future is crucial and Metropolitan's investment and savings solutions allow you to grow your wealth, achieving long-term financial goals, whether it's retirement planning or saving for a child's education. Take advantage of innovative insurance plans like the DreamBuilder CashBack Hospital Plan which rewards you with cash back if you haven't claimed in a set period. Metropolitan’s team of financial advisors offers personalised guidance, helping you navigate complex financial decisions so that you can select the right plan for your situation. We highly recommend visiting Metropolitan and receiving the tools and support you need to achieve the ultimate financial security.

  • Ground Floor - Shop 153
  • 011 938 1551
  • Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00
    Sat: 09:00-18:00
    Sun: 09:00-17:00
    Public Holidays: 09:00-17:00


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