Nedbank | Maponya Mall

Nedbank’s history traces back to the early 19th century with the establishment of the Cape of Good Hope Bank in 1831. Following successive branding and structural changes, from The Nederlandsche Bank voor Zuid-Africa to the Netherlands Bank of South Africa (NBSA), to Nedcor Group in the 1980s, Nedbank Group was formed in 2003. Today we have strategic alliances across the globe and are proud of our reputation as one of the most transformed banks in South Africa. The Nedbank Group is incorporated in the Republic of South Africa and our registration number is 1966/010630/06. Our ordinary shares have been listed on JSE Limited (the JSE) since 1969 under the share code: NED, and on the Namibian Stock Exchange since 2007 under the share code: NBK. Our ISIN is ZAE000004875. We offer the following solutions through our frontline clusters, Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, Nedbank Retail and Business Banking, Nedbank Wealth, and the Rest of Africa: A wide range of wholesale and retail banking services. A growing insurance, asset management and wealth management offering.

  • Ground Floor - Shop 169
  • 011 983 4120
  • Mon-Fri: 09:00-16:00
    Sat: 09:00-13:00
    Sun: Closed


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